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Rheumatic Polymialgia, Causes of Muscle Pain in the Morning

Rheumatic polyimialgia is an inflammatory disease that causes pain and stiffness in muscles and joints. This disease makes the muscles around the shoulders, neck and pelvis become stiff, painful, and inflamed. This condition is often diagnosed as rheumatoid arthritis or other diseases due to similar symptoms. This disease usually attacks the elderly (especially women) who are aged over 65 years, and rarely affects those under the age of 50 years. For this reason, experts believe that rheumatic polymialgia might be triggered by age, in addition to genetic and environmental factors. The cause of this disease is not yet clearly known, but is thought to influence the process of inflammation and the possibility of infection. This disease also often occurs in temporal arthritis (giant cell arteritis). Approximately 10-15% of patients with rheumatic polymialgia experience temporal arteritis, the symptoms can be in the form of headache, jaw pain, visual disturbances, and tenderness on the scalp. If not treated immediately, this condition can cause a stroke or blindness.

Symptoms of Rheumatic Polymialgia

Rheumatic polymialgia can be identified by its unique features, namely muscle feels stiff in the morning and lasts for up to 45 minutes, or improves with the passage of the day. Symptoms in this disease can appear suddenly. People with rheumatic polyimialgia will also feel pain or pain in the shoulders, neck, upper arms, buttocks, pelvis, and thighs. Not to forget mild fever, tired, unwell, loss of appetite, weight loss, difficulty moving, anemia, to depression can also be a symptom of rheumatic polymialgia. Symptoms of rheumatic polymialgia usually develop quickly. Some appeared gradually over several days, but some appeared overnight. For some sufferers, the symptoms of rheumatic polymialgia can get worse if they don't move enough and stay in one position for long periods of time. If it is very severe, pain, pain, and stiffness due to rheumatic polymialgia can even make it difficult for sufferers to perform daily activities, such as standing from a chair, dressing, or getting into a car. Sometimes, the symptoms of rheumatic polymialgia can even make them sleepless. To determine the diagnosis, the doctor needs to trace the history of the disease and carry out a physical examination. There is no specific examination that can definitely diagnose this disease. But the doctor can do a supporting examination such as a complete blood count, blood sludge rate (LED), or C-Reactive Protein (CRP), X-rays or ultrasound of the joint or bone that is experiencing complaints. Because the symptoms are similar to rheumatoid arthritis or lupus, sometimes a special examination may be needed, namely the rheumatoid factor antibody test. If the results of this examination are positive chances are the symptoms are caused by rheumatoid arthritis. In addition, if there are signs that point to temporal arteritis, your doctor may recommend a biopsy of a blood vessel in the head (temporal artery).

Treatment of rheumatic polyimialgia

Until now, rheumatic polyimialgia has no cure. Available treatment is intended to relieve symptoms of pain, pain, and stiffness. Usually the doctor will recommend taking a low-dose corticosteroid drug, such as prednisone, to help reduce inflammation. Plus calcium and vitamin D supplements to help prevent bone loss due to corticosteroid treatment. People with rheumatic polyimialgia also need to continue corticosteroid treatment for at least one year, some even suggest for 18 months to 2 years. During treatment, routine checks are needed. This is done to monitor the action of the drug and check whether there are any side effects suffered while taking the drug. Corticosteroid treatment will require a higher dose of symptoms accompanied by signs of temporal arteritis. The use of high doses of corticosteroids or in the long run the risk of causing some side effects, such as increasing blood pressure and blood sugar, hypokalemia, swelling of the face or feet, headaches, glaucoma, cataracts, difficult healing, ulcers, gastric disorders, menstrual disorders, Cushing's syndrome characterized by puffy face, accumulation of fat in the abdomen and nape, stretch marks on the abdomen, thighs, arms, and breasts, and thinning skin. If there are any of these symptoms after corticosteroid treatment, you need to see your doctor immediately. Well, to limit the side effects of corticosteroid drugs, rheumatic polyimialgia patients are advised to adopt a healthy lifestyle in their daily lives.
  • Eat healthy foods (fruits, vegetables, whole grains, low-fat meat, and dairy products) and limit salt intake to prevent high blood pressure and fluid buildup.
  • Diligent in exercising. Of course, the type of exercise performed must be discussed in advance with the doctor and must be able to maintain muscle and bone strength.
  • Use tools to facilitate daily activities and avoid wearing high heels.
If corticosteroid drugs do not have the expected effect, or symptoms reappear after the dose of the drug has been reduced, then methotrexate can be used. Usually this drug is used to treat cancer. Biological agent therapy such as anti-interleukin 6 can also be used to treat symptoms that do not subside with corticosteroids. But the effectiveness and safety of therapy with biological agents to treat rheumatic polymialgia still needs further research. The thing to remember, if you or your family suffer from rheumatic polymialgia and experience migraines, jaw pain when chewing, sudden loss of vision, fatigue, numbness, or deafness, immediately go to the doctor or the nearest hospital to get treatment quickly.


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