Vaccines are products that are given by injection, orally, or spray to produce immunity against certain diseases. However, many people do not understand what is actually contained in the vaccine. At the time of birth, the baby has immunity against certain germs through antibodies or immune substances obtained from the mother while the baby is still in the womb. Some time after birth, these immune substances will disappear naturally because the baby is not in the mother's womb. Therefore, to get protection against certain bacteria or viruses that can cause disease, vaccines need to be given. Vaccines are antigens that contain bacteria, poisons, or even viruses that cause "living" or deadly diseases. This life or death vaccine works to stimulate the human immune system, so the body thinks that it is being attacked by active germs. This process is then responded by the body to produce antibodies that are silent in the body and will protect the body in the future. This pr...
Rheumatic polyimialgia is an inflammatory disease that causes pain and stiffness in muscles and joints. This disease makes the muscles around the shoulders, neck and pelvis become stiff, painful, and inflamed. This condition is often diagnosed as rheumatoid arthritis or other diseases due to similar symptoms. This disease usually attacks the elderly (especially women) who are aged over 65 years, and rarely affects those under the age of 50 years. For this reason, experts believe that rheumatic polymialgia might be triggered by age, in addition to genetic and environmental factors. The cause of this disease is not yet clearly known, but is thought to influence the process of inflammation and the possibility of infection. This disease also often occurs in temporal arthritis (giant cell arteritis). Approximately 10-15% of patients with rheumatic polymialgia experience temporal arteritis, the symptoms can be in the form of headache, jaw pain, visual disturbances, and tenderness on the ...