If you often experience seizures or suffer from epilepsy, you must be careful. Because, in this disease there are seizures known in medical language as status epilepticus. Status epilepticus is epileptic seizures lasting more than 30 minutes. This condition is a critical emergency situation and requires immediate treatment.
Epilepsy is a condition that affects the brain and causes seizures to occur repeatedly. Seizures themselves are sudden electrical spikes in the brain. Status epilepticus is a form of fatal epileptic seizures that is quite common. This condition can appear as an acute form of an epileptic seizure that has previously been suffered, the first form of an epileptic seizure, or arise due to other abnormalities that could potentially cause severe seizures. This condition can occur at any age, but tends to be more prevalent in the elderly with concomitant diseases. Risk factors that can cause this condition include old age, genetic congenital or family history of epilepticus status, growth retardation, and brain disorders.
Causes Epileptic status and treatment
When you have epilepsy, you tend to experience seizures. In the condition of the seizure, there is a condition called epilepticus status. Status epilepticus is a life-threatening neurological disorder that is basically an acute and prolonged attack of epilepsy. Status epilepticus is defined as a continuous seizure that lasts more than 30 minutes continuously, or the occurrence of seizures twice or more without full recovery of consciousness. Seizures lasting more than 5 minutes also need to be considered as status epilepticus. In people with a history of epilepsy, this condition is often caused by changes in antiepileptic drugs, following the dosage or type of drug used. In addition, other conditions that can cause this serious condition include stroke, hypoxia, severe head injury, brain tumor, cancer, electrolyte abnormalities, brain infections, poisons or drugs such as cocaine, theophylline, and symptoms of alcohol withdrawal. Symptoms of epilepticus are difficult to categorize because there are various types of seizures. Symptoms that appear in every patient with epilepsy are also different. However, by monitoring the brain's electrical waves with EEG, in general the symptoms that can appear in the status epilepticus are divided into two, namely the type of convulsive and non-convulsive. The symptoms caused by the status of non-convulsive or sensory type epilepticus include paresthesia or sensory abnormalities on one side of the body, changes in vision, experiencing blurred vision or the presence of color hallucinations, the presence of hallucinations in the sense of taste and smell, the presence of uncomfortable sensations which cannot be explained in the abdomen. Convulsive or motor type epilepticus status can cause symptoms such as decreased consciousness, stiff muscles throughout or part of the body, muscle spasms in parts or all of the body, stiff jaws, bites on the cheeks or tongue, sudden stopping breathing, and bluish skin. Before the seizure appears, sufferers of epilepsy can experience sensory symptoms such as the status of non-convulsive type epilepticus. This condition is called aura. It is important to know the type of seizure because each type of seizure can describe the cause and location of the disorder in the brain.Management of seizures due to epileptic status
When looking at someone who has a seizure or status epilepticus, there are a number of important things to do, including:- Secure the airway and pay attention to breathing and heart function. If there is a decrease in consciousness and the patient has difficulty breathing, intubation will be needed, which is installing a breathing apparatus to support respiratory function and optimal oxygen administration. This intubation must be carried out by medical personnel or people who have received special training.
- Ensuring the head is protected, undressing on the neck like a tie that can interfere with breathing, and keep away from dangerous positions.
- Remove sharp objects such as glasses from around a seizure to prevent injury.
- Do not hold a person who is having a seizure or put any object in the mouth of the person who is having a seizure, because this can result in injury.
- Call an ambulance if the seizure has been going on for more than 5 minutes after an emergency anticonvulsant drug is given, the person has a history of frequent seizures or has epilepticus status, as well as a concern or difficulty in monitoring the airway (breathing, circulation, or other vital signs).
- If the seizure has passed, do not let the person experiencing the seizure himself, because he will feel confused.
- In addition, avoid the potential danger of a high place or moving machine at home, school or workplace if you have active seizures. Even if your seizure is under control, you still have to anticipate the specific risks of certain activities such as cutting, driving, using heat equipment, and so on.
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