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Showing posts from December, 2019

Understanding Vaccines Based on Their Content

Vaccines are products that are given by injection, orally, or spray to produce immunity against certain diseases. However, many people do not understand what is actually contained in the vaccine. At the time of birth, the baby has immunity against certain germs through antibodies or immune substances obtained from the mother while the baby is still in the womb. Some time after birth, these immune substances will disappear naturally because the baby is not in the mother's womb. Therefore, to get protection against certain bacteria or viruses that can cause disease, vaccines need to be given. Vaccines are antigens that contain bacteria, poisons, or even viruses that cause "living" or deadly diseases. This life or death vaccine works to stimulate the human immune system, so the body thinks that it is being attacked by active germs. This process is then responded by the body to produce antibodies that are silent in the body and will protect the body in the future. This pr...

Rheumatic Polymialgia, Causes of Muscle Pain in the Morning

Rheumatic polyimialgia is an inflammatory disease that causes pain and stiffness in muscles and joints. This disease makes the muscles around the shoulders, neck and pelvis become stiff, painful, and inflamed. This condition is often diagnosed as rheumatoid arthritis or other diseases due to similar symptoms. This disease usually attacks the elderly (especially women) who are aged over 65 years, and rarely affects those under the age of 50 years. For this reason, experts believe that rheumatic polymialgia might be triggered by age, in addition to genetic and environmental factors. The cause of this disease is not yet clearly known, but is thought to influence the process of inflammation and the possibility of infection. This disease also often occurs in temporal arthritis (giant cell arteritis). Approximately 10-15% of patients with rheumatic polymialgia experience temporal arteritis, the symptoms can be in the form of headache, jaw pain, visual disturbances, and tenderness on the ...

Know thyrotoxicosis and its treatment

Trying to understand the condition of thyrotoxicosis means it is also necessary to understand a condition called hyperthyroidism. Thyrotoxicosis is a condition that needs to be immediately examined and treated appropriately to prevent complications. Thyrotoxicosis is a collection of symptoms due to abnormally excessive activity of the thyroid hormone in the body, and is usually caused by hyperthyroidism. Whereas hyperthyroidism is a medical definition to describe conditions where the thyroid gland produces excessive thyroid hormone. Thyrotoxicosis, which is an excessive amount of thyroid hormone circulating in the body, is closely related to hyperthyroidism. However, thyrotoxicosis can also occur due to other reasons, where the function of the thyroid gland and its production is not impaired, for example due to the release of thyroid hormone from the inflammation of the thyroid gland. Hyperthyroidism and thyrotoxicosis are basically different. In patients with hyperthyroidism thyro...

Strongiloidiasis, a harmful parasitic infection

Strongiloidiasis is a chronic infection caused by nematodes, or roundworms called Strongyloides stercoralis. Patients with Strongiloidiasis will experience various digestive disorders. This disease is potentially deadly to some people with certain medical conditions. C'mon, beware of transmission by knowing the causes, treatment, and prevention! Strongyloides stercoralis, the cause of strongiloidiasis infection is a type of parasite in the form of worms that are found in warm climates, such as in tropical and subtropical countries. But sometimes these parasites can also be found in temperate zones. This worm infects humans through direct contact with contaminated soil, such as in agricultural areas to recreation areas. One of the main risks is walking barefoot in an area at risk. Roundworms will enter the skin (usually the soles of the feet) and enter the bloodstream. Then, the worm moves through your heart and lungs to your stomach and small intestine. Roundworms will lay eggs...

Status of Epilepticus, Severity in People with Epilepsy

If you often experience seizures or suffer from epilepsy, you must be careful. Because, in this disease there are seizures known in medical language as status epilepticus. Status epilepticus is epileptic seizures lasting more than 30 minutes. This condition is a critical emergency situation and requires immediate treatment. Epilepsy is a condition that affects the brain and causes seizures to occur repeatedly. Seizures themselves are sudden electrical spikes in the brain. Status epilepticus is a form of fatal epileptic seizures that is quite common. This condition can appear as an acute form of an epileptic seizure that has previously been suffered, the first form of an epileptic seizure, or arise due to other abnormalities that could potentially cause severe seizures. This condition can occur at any age, but tends to be more prevalent in the elderly with concomitant diseases. Risk factors that can cause this condition include old age, genetic congenital or family history of epilept...